Cari Kaut, Closing Director
The Score Keeper
She’s Urban Acres’ official ‘closer.’ While you’re going through the closing process during the sale or purchase of your home, Cari is working to tie up any loose ends.
Born and raised in Iowa City, Cari spent three decades honing her skills at another real estate firm and with a settlement/attorney’s office. When she isn’t helping to finalize real estate transactions, Cari enjoys shopping and spending time with friends and family.
Partners can reach Cari at 319.351.1111 or carikaut@urbanacres.com.
Other Things You Should Know About Cari

Iowa City

Agent Since

Urban or Acres?
More urban than acres
- Favorite Local Landmark: Kinnick Stadium
- Favorite Sports Team: Iowa Hawkeyes, Minnesota Vikings, and Chicago Cubs
- Best Part of Iowa: City or country life—in Iowa you get to choose
- One Thing You’d Never Guess: I love bingo.