Did You Know?
Arts and culture in our community are thriving. We recognize the impact they have on our economy, our wellbeing, and our society. With so many great local arts venues, including the historic Englert Theatre, Hancher Auditorium, Riverside Theatre, the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, and Theatre Cedar Rapids, the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids Corridor is a wonderful place to catch a show.
Throughout the year, Urban Acres sponsors ticket giveaways to live performances to support local talent and creativity and get everyone in our community more involved in the area’s diverse arts and culture scene.
Ticket giveaways to 6+ local theaters in 2019
Iowa City is a ‘Top 20 Must-See Literary Destination’ (Expedia)
Iowa Cultural Corridor stages 1,000+ events every year (culturalcorridor.org)